
The Magnetic Mind


Hellooo. Sorry for being quiet for a while again.

October and November are the craziest months every year. I attend at least 3 gigs every week during this 2 months. I do wonder how I'm surviving.....

Anyway here you go, this is a new post about one of my recent favourite psychedelic bands, The Magnetic Mind!!

The Magnetic Mind are London-based psychedelic band formed in early 2011.  They released their debut single "Maybe The Star, Maybe The Sun" on 14th May 2012, it was produced by Liam Watson who has worked with bands such as White Stripes and Tame Impala. They have recorded second single and it is due for release before the end of this year.

If you like 60s psychedelic/ garage bands like Shocking Blue, Jefferson Airplane, The Music Machine, The Seeds etc, then you're gonna love The Magnetic Mind!!

I first listened to them early this year. I really liked them but for some reasons I couldn't go to see them live for a while and finally went to their gig this July.  It was a really great show, the singer has a beautiful but strong voice and all melodies created by their instruments reminded me the 60s fantastic psych/garage music.

This is their live in last May.

Now they have new keyboard player and drummer (sorry they are not in this photo) so they will be back giging soon!! I'm so looking forward to seeing them again!!

They recently appeared on Matt Barnes' Indie Show on 9th October, so check the website link!

Also don't forget to check their Facebook page!! 

Below is a same post written in Japanese. 



何はともあれ、今回は最近のお気に入りのサイケデリックバンドのひとつ、The Magnetic Mindを紹介!

The Magnetic Mindはロンドン出身のサイケデリックバンド。2011年初頭に結成。今年の5月にデビューシングル"Maybe The Star, Maybe The Sun"をリリース、White StripesやTame Impalaのアルバムを手がけたLiam Watsonによってプロデュースされた。セカンドシングルのレコーディングも終わり、シングルは年末前にはリリースされる予定である。

Shocking Blue, Jefferson Airplane, The Music Machine, The Seeds等の60sサイケ/ガレージバンドが好きな人は、きっとThe Magnetic Mindも気に入るでしょう!




先月はMatt Barnes' Indie Showというラジオでインタビューを受けていたので、ぜひリンクをチェックしてみてください(英語です)。
